How to Clean Up Your Social Media

With guest speaker Kevin McNulty

how to clean up your social media

Most people can imagine themselves at 14. Immature and undeveloped thoughts tweeted or posted as a status, not so flattering photos taken or tagging us,  and embarrassing searches we may have made in curiosity are all likely still linked to us. Regardless of how many years have passed.  Of course the best lesson in how to clean up your social media is “not post anything controversial”. But that’s easier said than done with social media constantly changing. No one wants to be misunderstood- or worse, canceled!


Getting into your dream college or career is difficult enough on its own. Don’t let a bad social media profile or behavior get in the way of your goals! We have that in mind as we bring in social media expert Kevin McNulty of NetWeave Marketing,  with a workshop designed to help you know the best practices in internet safety and security, and the impact of social media on college admissions and future employment!

This workshop was previously recorded. If you enjoyed the content and are interested in learning more about managing your social media presence then fill out the survey below telling us what topics you would like to see covered! See our other previous workshops including FAFSA and Career finding,  listed on the Students page.  Take a look at the calendar and follow our social media @takestockmanatee for the latest in upcoming TSIC events and news.